If we gave our videos titles this would be called "Newbie donkey dick versus veteran donkey dick." Dakota Ford and Duncan Tyler are occupants of our studio bed. The cameraman is surprised that Dakota is smiling because he's about to have his ass stuffed with Duncan dick. "Always good to try new things," Dakota notes. OMG! How can you not love this newbie! LOL! He's a little nervous, but Duncan is all assurances. "Yeah, I'll take it easy," Duncan says with his sly grin. Duncan, who we last saw during the Christmas bukakke, has been trying to live "a normal life." However, that doesn't pay enough. "So you always end up back here," the cameraman says. "With the broke straight boys," Dakota adds. The cameraman is still shocked Dakota is rather calm about having meat inside him. The newbie admits his anxiety is more internal. "Well, think of it this way," the cameraman observes. "There are million of guys out there that just love getting fucked in the ass. They love nothing else. So it must feel good, right?" This logic might actually work with that delivery boy you want to bone. LOL! The lads strip, standing naked to each other. There's a debate whose wang is bigger. That's a contest many of us would love to judge. Dakota takes a seat in the chair and opens his mouth for Duncan's pole. "Fuck," Duncan moans. The newbie has gained some skills! LOL! After a few licks Duncan's tool gets big. So much so that Dakota gags. Twice. "OK, OK. This isn't what I signed up for," Dakota says to the cameraman. "This is supposed to go inside of me." "What are you talking about," the cameraman wonders. "He was supposed to be littler than me, and he's not even hard," Dakota says as he stares at Duncan's tool. "I can barely fit that in my mouth, not alone my ass." Duncan is chuckling through this entire mini-freak out! "What's the problem," the cameraman wonders. "That's going to be painful. That's going to be really painful, man," Dakota complains. Dakota decides he's not ready to be fucked, at least not by donkey dicked Duncan (who isn't even hard yet). "I can't switch guys," the cameraman notes. "We're already here, man." Duncan, the veteran, comes up with a solution. "What if we switch positions," he suggests. "You fuck me." This, of course, is much more appealing to Dakota. But it's really hard to blame him. Duncan's johnson isn't for a rookie. The cameraman makes a final deal. Dakota's got give that monster some good oral loving. The newbie agrees and goes to town. He gags as he tries to get Duncan to full mast. There's a moment when Dakota pulls back, but the veteran pushes that warm mouth back to its duties. "Yeah, don't stop," Duncan murmurs. "Come on. You're almost there." Duncan whispers advice to the newbie, even tries to face fuck him. Dakota's face is smeared with effort tears, so Duncan gives him a break. When Duncan gives the newbie some oral love, he gags constantly. Can't blame him. Dakota's meat is massive. "Take that whole dick," Dakota moans. "Take it." Duncan can't take the entire thing, but he does lick the head. He also alternates with a hand job. It's time for the fucking. Dakota puts a condom on and Duncan takes a seat. "Come take this dick," Dakota demands. Duncan moans the moment that johnson parts his cheeks. "Go slow," he begs. It's a tight fit for Dakota, and he tells Duncan to "ride it." That's a big pole for the veteran to take, and all he can do is curse and groan. "Holy fuck," Duncan whimpers. Dakota is loving that hole, filling it up as much as he can. Soon he pounds away. "Give me that ass," Dakota demands. Duncan wants to switch things up. He gets on the bed, his legs in the air. Dakota gets back in and Duncan's moans return. "Why couldn't I have fucked you," Duncan whines. Dakota is remaking that booty. "You're taking it so good," the newbie says. Duncan just breathes in deeply and moans to the bottom gods.
As for Dakota, he's not paying any attention to the veteran's cries. He's into that ass. Can you blame him? Who doesn't love a bottom with monster meat? Duncan puts his ass over the bed, with his feet on the floor. Dakota returns to fucking. Even gives that pale cheek a few slaps! "Take it," Dakota orders. "Take it." Duncan puts his face in the black sheets and moans out. Give him credit. He takes this busting without asking the newbie to slow down. "I want you to cum," Duncan whispers. Dakota pulls out and strokes his meat over Duncan's white and red cheeks. Dakota's load covers the small of Duncan's back. The used bottom turns on his back and jerks a load that lands all over his pale belly. He keeps stroking, making sure to get each drop out. The cameraman wonders how Duncan's ass is doing. "It wasn't as good as it was earlier," he chuckles. There's some laughter about Dakota's handprint being on Duncan's butt cheek. The newbie wonders if he has earned a pair of Broke Straight Boy underwear. The cameraman reminds the newbie did not bottom, so he didn't earn them. "No underwear for you," the cameraman says.
Dakota Ford Fucks Duncan Tyler

Dakota Ford
- Age: 24
- Height: 5.8 (173cm)
- Weight: 145 (66 kg)
- Shoe Size: 9 US (43 EU)
- Dick Size: 8.0 (20cm)
Model Rating:
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